Let Me Introduce Myself

Let Me Introduce Myself

Greetings fellow book lovers!

I want to take this chance to introduce myself as the new owner of Cherry Street Books. My name is Emily Regnier. Along with my husband Paul we have decided to take on this new adventure. We have 3 children, Ella 15, Jack 13 and William 8—none of which like to read! (I’m still working on them!)

We call Alexandria home even though we did not grow up here. I figure after living in this area for over 18 years we can finally call it home! Paul and I grew up in southern MN and were determined to not be stuck in corn fields our whole life. That is what brought us to the lakes area. After living here just a short time we fell in love with our community. We purchased out first home in Glenwood and started raising our family. After opening our first business—Ella’s Salon—here in Alexandria, we decided it was time to live closer to my job. That is when we moved to Alexandria. Although we have been involved in our community for many years, we are both excited to get to meet new people through the bookstore.

I fell in love with Cherry Street Books soon after they opened. After I had my daughter, my mom would take her to story hour on Saturdays while I worked. They would always come home and talk about Lee and the great books she would read. Soon after, I made frequent stops to find things for my kids, because during that time there was very little time for my own reading! As the years have passed by, I found myself wandering into the store as a place I could go to feel at peace and also to feel relaxed. Is that crazy? I don’t think so, because I am starting to hear through many of you that you have the same feeling when you walk through the doors.

I am excited to share more about this adventure with each of you, as the months come, through our newsletter. I will use this as a way for you to get to know me better. I am excited to see you and to have the chance to get to talk all things books with you.

Last but not least, I am beyond grateful that Kathleen has chosen me to take over this amazing bookstore. Kathleen along with all the talented women who work at Cherry Street have welcomed me in and have been helping me learn the ropes. I have big shoes to fill, and I hope I will make Kathleen proud! All of our current book sellers will be staying on at the store. So you will continue to see the same smiling faces.


P.S. My favorite type of books to read are Historical Fiction and Murder Mystery!